Monday, May 19, 2008

Little Luck

So- after about 15-20 minutes in Hobby Lobby, I was quite disgusted by their lack of fabrics and left. I don't think they had the pattern, either- then again, I was stupid and kinda neglected to write down the pattern number. Oh well...

Fortunately, I took a look on ebay as well today, and WOW! Our favorite online auction site has quite a large selection of fabrics, although some run around $10.99 a yard... which for around 5 yards would be a real kick in the wallet. Ouch. So, with luck I can find something a bit more economical. I'm really not looking to break the bank with this gown. If I was, I would've probably just gone ahead and picked up the lovely green chenille brocade that was at Hobby Lobby today (which was a killer $16.99/yd- ouch!).

Anyway, I plan to go over to Joann fabrics tomorrow to get a larger selection to look at. Tomorrow, I resolve, I'll actually go prepared- we're talking my measurements (*cringe*), pattern number (to avoid the mistake of today), and ideal materials that I'll be looking for. I'm still slightly leery of the mention of boning (featherweight though it is), given how boning has turned out in the past for sewing endeavors, but we'll see.

I've already gotten the subtle nod of approval from mum for this, so now it's just a matter of checking the old checking account (haha- checking checking) and looking for the ideal fabrics.

Wish me luck.